Family Law Reform Blog
Sunday, November 26, 2006
  Hunch Unravels Immigrant Wedding Scam
These sham marriages for green cards are a logical result of unilateral divorce laws, but I guess that for a generation or so, inhibitions and a vague lingering respect for social institutions prevented almost everyone from exploring these kinds of possibilities.
News and comments on changes, problems and developments in family law, family structure, culture and policy.
The Family Law News Blog: Adultery, paternity frau...
Yes, New York, You Do Have No-Fault Divorce
Utah enacts divorce prevention / trial separation ...
Economist nails the problem with divorce
Interview with Kay Hymowitz on marriage, divorce a...
NJ faster divorce bill: bad idea
Hunch Unravels Immigrant Wedding Scam
Welfare Reform Isn't Working - Los Angeles Times
What's Indiana's divorce rate? Nobody knows
What's the worst that could happen in a divorce?
February 2006 / March 2006 / July 2006 / September 2006 / October 2006 / November 2006 / December 2006 / January 2007 / March 2007 / April 2009 /

Location: Arlington, Virginia, United States

I am a long-time family-law and estate-planning lawyer who believes in improving divorce, but more importantly, preventing it. I am for: the traditional family, non-traditional families, joint custody, child support, alimony, collaborative divorce, mediation, and marriage skills training. I am against: divorce, one-parent families, domestic violence, child abduction, alienation, patriarchy, matriarchy, and selfish, immature parenting. Contradictory? That’s what makes family law so interesting.

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