Family Law Reform Blog
Saturday, February 18, 2006
  Court says American divorce trumps Islamic one -
Court says American divorce trumps Islamic one -

This ruling is completely consistent with existing law. An American court won't recognize a divorce from a country that neither party was a resident of at the time of the divorce. Divorce jurisdiction is based on a person's residence in the state that grants the divorce -- not on what state or country the couple got married in.

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Location: Arlington, Virginia, United States

I am a long-time family-law and estate-planning lawyer who believes in improving divorce, but more importantly, preventing it. I am for: the traditional family, non-traditional families, joint custody, child support, alimony, collaborative divorce, mediation, and marriage skills training. I am against: divorce, one-parent families, domestic violence, child abduction, alienation, patriarchy, matriarchy, and selfish, immature parenting. Contradictory? That’s what makes family law so interesting.

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